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Frequently Asked Questions
As there is so much information required for accreditation. Will we need extra staff to upload all the information onto MyRSO or MyQMO?The objective of Dosel is to reduce our customer’s workload, not to increase it. Our team upload all the information for you. We will manage this in an orderly process requesting from you only small amounts of information at a time.
How secure is my data?All data on MyRSO or MyQMO platform is securely stored in an accredited Data Centre in NSW. Dosel is ISO 27001 compliant ensuring the safety of all data.
Do I need to upgrade my IT Hardware?Being a Web Based solution, all information is processed on our servers in the Data Centre. There is no requirement for any hardware provision by our customers. Special provision is made for customers who for whatever reason wish to host their own HW.
I notice there are many Modules across the platform. Do I need to take all the modules?No you don’t. We understand that many of our customers currently use a range of packages offering different solutions. In most cases we can electronically download relevant information from another package which may be required for Accreditation purposes into MyRSO or MyQMO, and you can continue using legacy packages.
I already have a Learning Management System (LMS) or Incident Reporting System,will this mean I have to duplicate my work?"No you don’t. As per the question above. Accreditation will require evidence of eg. Training activity or Incident reports. We will download these records from you current systems and present it in a format as required by your accreditation authority along with the rest of the information that MyRSO and MyQMO generate.
With everything else going on, I don't think I'll be able to get this through our procurement. How much does it cost?"With low set up fees, there is hardly any capital outlay. The operational based subscriptions are exttremely affordable, and in most cases your savings will be higher than the fees. This is due to time saved and efficiencies gained, which can translate to significant additional turnover for your business. If you own Radiology equipment, visit our Cost Benefit Calculator to see the benefits of using MyRSO
I have recently done Accreditation why would I need MyRSO until the next 4 year cycle?While it is true accreditation is required for Radiology every 4 years, there is a requirement for an annual audit to be carried out. MyRSO will not only ensure you comply with the audit, but can assist in making sure all documents, training and other criteria are maintained and kept up to date. It is much easier to keep things up to date than trying to get evidence from multiple sources at the last minute.
Contact Us
We want to hear from you!
Tel: 1300-761-696 | other: +61-2-9713-0070
69 Great North Rd, Five Dock NSW 2046
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